Air & Health
This location is managed sustainably because they:
- Implement a space-wide non-smoking policy
- Implement a building perimeter non-smoking policy which exceeds 20 ft.
- Conduct occupancy surveys addressing thermal comfort, indoor air, acoustics, lighting &/or safety
- Have daylight accessible to at least 50% of our occupants
- Have daylight accessible to at least 75+% of our occupants
- Have daylight accessible to 100% of our occupants
- Provide shading devices or tinted windows to control sunlight
- Use certified environmentally-friendly cleaning products
- Use only low-VOC interior paints
- Use only low-VOC interior sealants & coatings
- Maintain and clean our HVAC at least twice per calendar year
- Optimize our indoor air system with filters rated MERV 8 or greater
- Optimize our indoor air system with the use of economizers, air handling units, etc
- Seal our supply & return air duct openings during construction activity
- Implement a space-wide policy to minimize the use of toxic pesticides
- Use mats, rugs & grates at building entrances to manage particulates
- Implement a pest-management plan to reduce or eliminate sources of food, water & shelter
- Optimize our indoor air system with MERV 13 filters to help defend against COVID 19.
This location is managed sustainably because they:
- Practice powering-down during unoccupied times (computers, lights)
- Have a policy to phase all incandescent lighting to CFL, LED or better
- Ensure all our applicable interior lighting is CFL, LED or better
- Have a policy to phase all ballasted lighting fixtures to T8 or better
- Ensure all ballasted lighting fixtures are T8 or better
- Have common area lighting on automatic timers & occupancy sensors
- Use a high-efficiency boiler or hot-water system
- Use a high-efficiency water temperature control and/or pumping system
- Use automatic controls, timers or a building automation system for our primary HVAC
- Have wrapped and/or insulated ductwork
This location is managed sustainably because they:
- Prioritize purchasing products made from recycled content, such as
- Prioritize purchasing products made from rapidly renewable materials, such as
- Prioritize purchasing products made from FSC® or SFI® Certified materials, such as
- Ensure all new product purchases contain no added urea-formaldehyde, such as
This location is managed sustainably because they:
- Use low-flow faucet and/or showerhead fixtures in 50+% of common areas
- Use motion-sensored faucets & fixtures in 50+% of common areas (kitchens are exempt)
- Use high-efficiency toilet flushing mechanisms
- Separately meter water where applicable (separate from main)
- Separately meter our physical plant (boilers, hot water, cooling tower)
- Incorporate native plant species & perennials onsite, to reduce irrigation use
- Do not irrigate our landscape
Waste Reduction
This location is managed sustainably because they:
- Have a written policy which commits to reducing waste generation and disposal
- Have localized pick-up for recycling: Paper & cardboard
- Have localized pick-up for recycling: Metal
- Have localized pick-up for recycling: Batteries
- Implement methods to recycle and/or divert these specialized items: Fluorescent bulbs
- Implement methods to recycle and/or divert these specialized items: Hazardous materials
- Implement methods to recycle and/or divert these specialized items: CFCs
- Implement methods to recycle and/or divert these specialized items: Other
- Set all common area printers to default to double-sided or scrap paper printing
- Set all common area printers to default to draft quality and/or black/white or grayscale print
- Use motion-sensored paper towel distributors and/or hands-free, energy efficient dryers
Bonus Points
This location is managed sustainably because they:
- Provide wellness plans or wellness training for our staff &/or stakeholders
- Have a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or similar sustainability reporting initiative
- Have outdoor green spaces and/or picnic areas
- Incorporate an effecient space plan and/or promote a flexible, mobile work environment
- Promote stakeholder community initiatives and/or volunteerism
- Promote and/or incentivize carpooling & car-sharing
- Promote and/or incentivize use of mass transit
- Completed facility renovations & additions that exceeded code requirements for energy efficiency
- Have an on-site garden and/or indoor plants
- Have localized pick-up for recycling: Plastic
- Have localized pick-up for recycling: Electrical equipment (computers, etc.)
All Locations
- Bradford - Blaisdell Hall
- Bradford - Emily Dickinson House
- Bradford - Ernest Hemingway House
- Bradford - F. Scott Fitzgerald House
- Bradford - Facilities Management Building
- Bradford - Fisher Hall
- Bradford - Frame-Westerberg Commons
- Bradford - Gertrude Stein House
- Bradford - Hangar Building
- Bradford - Hanley Library
- Bradford - Herman Melville House
- Bradford - Howard L. Fesenmyer House
- Bradford - James Baldwin House
- Bradford - Lester and Barbara Rice House
- Bradford - President's Residence
- Bradford - Reed-Coit House
- Bradford - Sarah B. Dorn House
- Bradford - Seneca Building
- Bradford - Swarts Hall
- Bradford - T.S. Eliot House
- Bradford - Walt Whitman House
- Bradford - Willa Cather House
- Bradford - William Faulkner House
- Bradford - Zora Neale Hurston House
- Greensburg - Apollo House
- Greensburg - Athena House
- Greensburg - Benjamin Franklin House
- Greensburg - Chambers Hall
- Greensburg - College Hall Dormitory
- Greensburg - Faculty Office Building
- Greensburg - Frank A. Cassell House
- Greensburg - John A. Robertshaw Hall
- Greensburg - Lynch Hall
- Greensburg - Margaret Meade House
- Greensburg - McKenna Hall
- Greensburg - Millstein Library
- Greensburg - Powers Hall
- Greensburg - Rossetti Int'l House
- Greensburg - Selene House
- Greensburg - Smith Hall
- Greensburg - Thurgood Marshall House
- Greensburg - Univ. Court A Dorm
- Greensburg - Univ. Court B Dorm
- Greensburg - Univ. Court C Dorm
- Greensburg - Village Hall
- Greensburg - Westmoreland Hall
- Johnstown - Blackington Hall
- Johnstown - Briar Lodge
- Johnstown - Buckhorn Lodge
- Johnstown - Cascade Manor
- Johnstown - College Park Apartments
- Johnstown - Engineering & Science Building
- Johnstown - Foxfire Lodge
- Johnstown - Hawthorne Lodge
- Johnstown - Heather Lodge
- Johnstown - Hemlock Lodge
- Johnstown - Hickory Lodge
- Johnstown - Highland Manor
- Johnstown - J. Irving Whalley Memorial Chapel
- Johnstown - JPMC for Public Service
- Johnstown - Krebs Hall
- Johnstown - Larkspur Lodge
- Johnstown - Laurel Hall
- Johnstown - Living and Learning Center
- Johnstown - Maple Hall
- Johnstown - Nursing/Health Sciences Building
- Johnstown - Oak Hall
- Johnstown - Owen Library
- Johnstown - Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center
- Johnstown - Physical Plant Building
- Johnstown - Sports Center
- Johnstown - Student Union
- Johnstown - Summit Manor
- Johnstown - Sunset Lodge
- Johnstown - Timberline Manor
- Johnstown - Wellness Center
- Johnstown - Wilderness Manor
- Johnstown - Willow Hall
- Johnstown - Woodland Manor
- Johnstown - Zamais Aquatic Center
- McDowell Sports and Fitness Center
- Titusville - Bennett Davis Hall
- Titusville - Broadhurst Science Center
- Titusville - Haskell Library
- Titusville - McKinney Hall
- Titusville - Student Union/Gym
GreenRated provides a self-rating platform for its licensees. The information appearing on this page was provided by the licensee, and GreenRated has not verified such information. GreenRated assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of such information. This sticker does not constitute a warranty or representation as to the condition of the property or the licensee's practices, and all such warranties are hereby disclaimed.